river 1


BRANCH 4: (questions and answers)


Review: How Many?


How many are there? 


nisəwak aləmossak 
two dogs

tαpawαs kehsəwak senαpak 
seven men

yèwəwak mahksənak 
four shoes

nlə̀wak nsawαkanak 
three eagles

nὰnəwak phenəmok 
five women 

nəkʷətαs kehsəwak nolkak 
six deer



How many are there?


yèwənol wipital 
four teeth

tαpawαs kehsənol kəpapisotəyal 
seven buttons

nìsənol wtàwakol 
two ears

noli kehsənol αkoskʷesonal 
nine hats




July 8, 1524


Giovanni da Verrazano arrives in France after exploration of the coast of the Americas. He is credited with the first 'official documentation' of Native Americans in Maine.