BRINANCH 4: (questions and answers)
Question 4
tαn alatste? Your browser does not support the audio element. What color is it?
mkasewíkən Your browser does not support the audio element. it is black (ember)
anikəwátste Your browser does not support the audio element. it is blue (blue mushroom)
mskíhkəwatste Your browser does not support the audio element. it is green (grass)
mkʷikən Your browser does not support the audio element. it is red
wisάwikən Your browser does not support the audio element. it is yellow
tohpkʷanəčitte Your browser does not support the audio element. it is brown (earth, soil)
wάpikən Your browser does not support the audio element. it is white
sonapəčitte Your browser does not support the audio element. it is purple (jam)
skʷàməčitte Your browser does not support the audio element. it is pink (salmon)
mαlatste Your browser does not support the audio element. it is gray
álenčitte Your browser does not support the audio element. it is orange (English loan word)
July 21, 1857
Author and Transendentalist Henry David Thoreau comes to Indian Island and hires Joe Polis for a journey to Moosehead Lake, the West Branch of Penobscot, the Allagash, East Branch of Penobscot, and then back down the main branch of the Penobscot River.